Shashtiabdhapoorthy or the Diamond Jubilee birth anniversary is the culmination of the sixtieth year after birth which begins with the vaidhik ceremonial function, Ugra Ratha Shanthi, which means appeasement of harsh times. Several homams like the Ganapathi, Sudharshana, Mruthyunjaya, ayush, Dhanvantri etc are carried out.

After the successful completion of the “Shanti” rituals associated with the shashti andha poorthy, the Kranthi programme follows, in which “mangala dharanam” or tying of thaali forms a very important part, preceding to, of course, the managala snanam or the ceremonial sprinkle and bath using eleven dravays, including products of cow, Gorochanam, Durva grass, Fruits, Mud and Gold. Shashtiabdhapoorthi ceremony is succeeded by giving away number of Dhanams or alms in cash and kind.

The whole family, comprising of at least 4 generations, participates to give or seek blessings for a healthy life, happiness and prosperity to all.
Nowadays children celebrate this day in a very grand manner as they consider this day as one to render their part as gratification to parents. The process of the parents marrying off their children is being reversed. In fact, the children and grandchildren who could not have seen the actual wedding occasion of the spouses spotlighting the two in wedlock, get a beautiful opportunity to stage again the solemn happening of the past and rejoice with the parents and grandparents.

The quintessence of the highlights of the occasion will crisply and aesthetically be captured by the ace event photographer, Jayanthi, who specializes in this genre of auspicious family functions like the Shashtiabdhapoorthi. The intimate, emotional, innocent nuances of the function will be naively portrayed with candid shots. The shashtiabdhapoorthy photography in Chennai, which is done by Jayanthi also specializes in taking family portraits binding together different generations of people and which will be an unforgettable classic document in anyone’s life span. These images can rekindle and make one cherish and look back fondly on those special nostalgic moments.